Adoption – Who Uses Lua?

While Lua is not popular in the mainstream programming world, it can be found in many applications. Adobe Photoshop Lightroom is one of them.

Lua is also applied extensively in video games, with Angry Birds, being one. Popular flight simulator X-Plane uses Lua for its aircraft systems and plugins.

The mobile payment app Venmo, for example, was built using Lua. The programming language was also used in the development of CISCO Systems alongside other networking applications.

Chapter 1: Setting up your environment

In order to write and compile Lua, we need to set up an environment to do so.

While there are a host of development tools available for use, we will choose the option of installing an IDE to get us up and running in no time.

1.1 Installing an IDE for Lua.

The platform-independent ZeroBrane Studio is an ideal choice for today’s exercise. The lightweight IDE is available for free and easy to install.

Head over to the official website to download a suitable version for your workstation.

After installation, we shall need an API token to authenticate all our requests to the endpoint of our Football API.

1.2 Obtaining an API Token

To use the API, sign up for an account. Your account automatically comes with the Danish Super Liga and Scottish Premier League, these are free plans with no costs.

Head over to the create an API Token section.

Creat API Token_Sportmonks

Once you have your API Token, which is required for authentication and accessing the data endpoints, you must keep it private.