Get access to 111 football leagues worldwide and give your customers real-time, accurate global data.
Basic data features with access to 111 leagues
Standard data features with access to 111 leagues
Advanced data features with access to 111 leagues
The Football World Plan covers 111 leagues, but we know you might not need all that information and instead want to look at select football leagues around the world. Our custom plan is the perfect fit as it only gives you the information you need.
Create custom planBesides the features included in the different plans we have multiple add-ons to make your application even more extensive.
The future is here. Show the story of the game and get your hands on the statistics that changed the world’s view on Football, and leave your competitors speechless. Please find all the information on our xG page.
Still not sure how to use the Expected Goals metrics? Please check our xG documentation and find out exactly how to do so.
The Prediction API provides state-of-the-art predictions for over 900 leagues. People can use this for all kinds of projects. We see betting/odds portals using our predictions most of the time. However, some people also use the predictions to analyse leagues and teams. For more information, please visit our Prediction API page.
We wrote an in-depth tutorial for the Prediction API.
The Premium Odds Feed is the ultimate tool for fierce bettors and passionate sports enthusiasts. We joined forces with TXODDS, a renowned sports odds data provider. Therefore, we can deliver an odds feed that meets the highest possible standards. It has pre-match odds for over 180 bookmakers and 20+ markets. The Premium Odds add-on comes with a new feature: tracking the history of the odds. If you are interested in the Premium Odds Feed, please learn about it on our Premium Odds page.
In our Premium Odds Feed documentation, you can find which endpoints you can use.
The Pressure index offers insight into a team’s momentum and dominance during the match. The Pressure Index Chart delivers a real-time visual portrayal of the game’s dynamics, offering a profound understanding of its intensity and flow for more informed betting decisions and live updates of performances. More information can be found on our Pressure Index page.
The documentation on the Pressure Index is very important to make the most of this feature.
Our news API adds another dimension to your website or app. The Sportmonks scouts write high-quality previews. The News API covers every match in the Premier League and Champions League, as well as the top five teams in La Liga, Bundesliga, Serie A, and Ligue 1. It also covers World Cups and European Championships. Please find all the information on our News API page.
With our News API documentation, you can make the most of its features.
Our football widgets are easy to use, and once you have copied and pasted the line of code into your website or application, you no longer have to worry about it.
Sportmonks’ developers cover the maintenance of the widgets. The data comes directly from the Football API. Find more information on our Widgets Page.
Still not sure how to use the Football Widgets? Please check our Widgets documentation and find out exactly how to do so.
When we compared features, documentation, support and value for money, Sportmonks came out on top.
Fast and reliable Football API with tons of leagues and tournaments.
We’re very happy with Sportmonks and highly recommend them.
At first we were limited in the content and the statistics. But now, only our imagination and creativity limits what we can do. We are now constantly developing and improving. We have many ideas, tools, features and functionality in the pipeline.
Sportmonks has proven to be the most valuable data provider we’ve encountered.
At Sportmonks, we offer the World Plan in three different data feature packages: Basic, Standard and Advanced.
Take a look at the various data features we offer to find the data package that best suits your needs.
For Custom Plans, you can select any data feature you’d like, meaning you’re not bound to our pre-made packages.
Note: Hover over each data feature for more information.
We are proud to tell you we cover 100+ statistics due to our new API 3.0.
The number of statistics made it necessary to distribute them over our standard and advanced packages.
A list is created to display which stats are included in the standard and advanced packages so you can opt for the statistics you’re interested in while choosing your plan. You can find this list on our data features page or by clicking the button below.
We don’t expect to earn your trust by anything we say; we’ll prove it instead.
1. Try it.
Choose the plan that works for you, then try it for 14 days, on us. Or, go with our forever-free option.
2. Master it.
Thanks to our flexible, user-friendly API, complemented by 5-star documentation and round-the-clock customer support.
3. Wow with it.
Developers will love it, and users will trust it; Sportmonks is the affordable, reliable football data partner your company deserves.